terça-feira, janeiro 04, 2011

PowerBuilder – Enviando e-mail por SMTP - Parte 1/ 4

Abaixo mais uma solução para envio de e-mail pelo PowerBuilder que compartilhada pelo Daniel Carvalho Ferreira

1)   Criar o Objeto  n_winsock (abaixo o export do objeto)

$PBExportComments$Winsock functions
global type n_winsock from nonvisualobject
end type
type hostent from structure within n_winsock
end type
type in_addr from structure within n_winsock
end type
type sockaddr from structure within n_winsock
end type
type wsadata from structure within n_winsock
end type
type fd_set from structure within n_winsock
end type
type timeval from structure within n_winsock
end type
end forward

type hostent from structure
               unsignedlong                   h_name
               unsignedlong                   h_aliases
               integer                 h_addrtype
               integer                 h_length
               unsignedlong                   h_addr_list
end type

type in_addr from structure
               unsignedlong                   s_addr
end type

type sockaddr from structure
               integer                 sin_family
               unsignedinteger                              sin_port
               in_addr                               sin_addr
               character                            sin_zero[8]
end type

type wsadata from structure
               unsignedinteger                              wversion
               unsignedinteger                              whighversion
               character                            szdescription[257]
               character                            szsystemstatus[129]
               unsignedinteger                              imaxsockets
               unsignedinteger                              imaxudpdg
               unsignedlong                   lpvenderinfo
end type

type fd_set from structure
               unsignedlong                   fd_count
               unsignedlong                   fd_array[]
end type

type timeval from structure
               unsignedlong                   tv_sec
               unsignedlong                   tv_usec
end type

global type n_winsock from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
end type

type prototypes

Subroutine CopyMemoryIP ( &
               Ref structure Destination, &
               ulong Source, &
               long Length &
               ) Library  "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine CopyMemoryIP ( &
               Ref blob Destination, &
               ulong Source, &
               long Length &
               ) Library  "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Subroutine CopyMemoryIP ( &
               Ref ulong Destination, &
               ulong Source, &
               long Length &
               ) Library  "kernel32.dll" Alias For "RtlMoveMemory"

Function boolean CryptBinaryToString ( &
               Blob pbBinary, &
               ulong cbBinary, &
               ulong dwFlags, &
               Ref string pszString, &
               Ref ulong pcchString &
               ) Library "crypt32.dll" Alias For "CryptBinaryToStringW"

Function boolean CryptStringToBinary ( &
               string pszString, &
               ulong cchString, &
               ulong dwFlags, &
               Ref blob pbBinary, &
               Ref ulong pcbBinary, &
               Ref ulong pdwSkip, &
               Ref ulong pdwFlags &
               ) Library "crypt32.dll" Alias For "CryptStringToBinaryW"

Function ulong FormatMessage( &
               ulong dwFlags, &
               ulong lpSource, &
               ulong dwMessageId, &
               ulong dwLanguageId, &
               Ref string lpBuffer, &
               ulong nSize, &
               ulong Arguments &
               ) Library "kernel32.dll" Alias For "FormatMessageW"

Function ulong RegisterEventSource ( &
               ulong lpUNCServerName, &
               string lpSourceName &
               ) Library "advapi32.dll" Alias For "RegisterEventSourceW"

Function boolean ReportEvent ( &
               ulong hEventLog, &
               uint wType, &
               uint wCategory, &
               ulong dwEventID, &
               ulong lpUserSid, &
               uint wNumStrings, &
               ulong dwDataSize, &
               string lpStrings[], &
               ulong lpRawData &
               ) Library "advapi32.dll" Alias For "ReportEventW"

Function boolean DeregisterEventSource ( &
               ref ulong hEventLog &
               ) Library "advapi32.dll"

Function ulong WNetGetUser ( &
               string lpname, &
               Ref string lpusername, &
               Ref ulong buflen &
               ) Library "mpr.dll" Alias For "WNetGetUserW"

// Winsock Functions

Function ulong accept ( &
               ulong socket, &
               Ref sockaddr addr, &
               Ref long addrlen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "accept;Ansi"

Function long bind ( &
               ulong socket, &
               sockaddr name, &
               long namelen &
               )  Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long closesocket ( &
               ulong socket &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long connect_ws ( &
               ulong socket, &
               sockaddr name, &
               long namelen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "connect"

Function ulong gethostbyaddr ( &
               Ref ulong addr, &
               long len, &
               long htype &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long gethostname ( &
               Ref string name, &
               long namelen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "gethostname;Ansi"

Function ulong gethostbyname ( &
               string name &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "gethostbyname;Ansi"

Function long getpeername ( &
               ulong socket, &
               Ref sockaddr name, &
               Ref long namelen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "getpeername;Ansi"

Function long getsockopt ( &
               ulong socket, &
               long level, &
               long optname, &
               ref long optval, &
               ref long optlen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function ulong htonl ( &
               ulong hostulong &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function uint htons ( &
               uint hostshort &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function ulong inet_addr ( &
               string cp &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "inet_addr;Ansi"

Function string inet_ntoa ( &
               ulong sin_addr &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long ioctlsocket ( &
               ulong socket, &
               ulong cmd, &
               ref ulong argp &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function ulong ntohl ( &
               ulong netlong &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long listen ( &
               ulong socket, &
               long backlog &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function long recv ( &
               ulong socket, &
               Ref blob buf, &
               long len, &
               long flags &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function long recvfrom ( &
               ulong socket, &
               Ref blob buf, &
               long len, &
               long flags, &
               Ref sockaddr fromaddr, &
               Ref long fromlen &
               )  Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long select_ws ( &
               long socket, &
               Ref fd_set readfds, &
               Ref fd_set writefds, &
               Ref fd_set exceptfds, &
               timeval timeout &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" Alias For "select"

Function long send ( &
               ulong socket, &
               Ref blob buf, &
               long len, &
               long flags &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function long sendto ( &
               ulong socket, &
               blob buf, &
               long len, &
               long flags, &
               sockaddr toaddr, &
               long tolen &
               )  Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long setsockopt ( &
               ulong socket, &
               long level, &
               long optname, &
               Ref boolean optval, &
               Ref long optlen &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function ulong socket ( &
               long af, &
               long ttype, &
               long protocol &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long WSACleanup ( &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long WSAGetLastError ( &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Subroutine WSASetLastError ( &
               long iErrorNum &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function long WSAStartup ( &
               ulong wVersionRequested, &
               Ref WSADATA lpWSAData &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"

Function long WSAAsyncSelect ( &
               ulong socket, &
               long hWnd, &
               ulong wMsg, &
               long lEvent &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll" 

Function long WSAAddressToString ( &
               sockaddr lpsaAddress, &
               long dwAddressLength, &
               ulong lpProtocolInfo, &
               Ref string lpszAddressString, &
               Ref long lpdwAddressStringLength &
               ) Library "ws2_32.dll"  Alias For "WSAAddressToStringW"

end prototypes

type variables
WSADATA istr_wsadata
Boolean ib_initialized = False
Boolean ib_send_unicode = True
Boolean ib_recv_unicode = True
String is_lasterror

Constant ULong INVALID_SOCKET = 4294967295
Constant ULong INADDR_ANY = 0
Constant ULong CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 = 1
Constant Long SOCKET_ERROR = -1
Constant Long AF_INET = 2
Constant Long SOMAXCONN = 2147483647
Constant Long SOCK_STREAM = 1
Constant Long SOCK_DGRAM = 2
Constant Long IPPROTO_TCP = 6
Constant Long IPPROTO_UDP = 17
Constant Long FD_READ                            = 1
Constant Long FD_WRITE                          = 2
Constant Long FD_OOB                                              = 4
Constant Long FD_ACCEPT                        = 8
Constant Long FD_CONNECT    = 10
Constant Long FD_CLOSE                           = 32
Constant Integer iERROR = 1
Constant Integer iWARN             = 2
Constant Integer iINFO                = 4

end variables

forward prototypes
public function unsignedlong of_accept (unsignedlong aul_socket)
public function boolean of_cleanup ()
public function boolean of_close (ref unsignedlong aul_socket)
public function unsignedlong of_connect (string as_hostname, unsignedinteger aui_port)
public function unsignedlong of_connect (string as_hostname, unsignedinteger aui_port, unsignedlong aul_seconds)
public function blob of_decode64 (string as_encoded)
public function string of_encode64 (blob ablob_data)
public function string of_encode64 (string as_data)
public subroutine of_eventlog (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext)
public function string of_getdescription ()
public function string of_gethostname ()
public function string of_gethostname (string as_ipaddress)
public function string of_getipaddress (string as_hostname)
public function string of_getlasterror ()
public function string of_getpeername (unsignedlong aul_socket)
public function long of_getsockopt (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_optname)
public function string of_getuserid ()
public function boolean of_ioctlsocket (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_cmdname, ref unsignedlong aul_argp)
public subroutine of_jaguarlog (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext)
public function unsignedlong of_listen (unsignedinteger aui_port)
public function unsignedlong of_listen (unsignedinteger aui_port, long al_handle, integer ai_event)
public subroutine of_messagebox (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext)
public function long of_parse (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[])
public function boolean of_recv (unsignedlong aul_socket, ref blob ablob_data)
public function boolean of_recv (unsignedlong aul_socket, ref string as_data)
public function boolean of_recvfrom (unsignedinteger aui_port, ref blob ablob_data, ref string as_ipaddress)
public function boolean of_recvfrom (unsignedinteger aui_port, ref string as_data, ref string as_ipaddress)
public function boolean of_send (unsignedlong aul_socket, blob ablob_data)
public function boolean of_send (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_data)
public function boolean of_sendto (string as_ipaddress, unsignedinteger aui_port, blob ablob_data)
public function boolean of_sendto (string as_ipaddress, unsignedinteger aui_port, string as_data)
public function boolean of_setblockingmode (unsignedlong aul_socket, boolean ab_blocking)
public subroutine of_setlasterror (string as_lasterror)
public function boolean of_setsockopt (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_optname, boolean ab_optvalue)
public subroutine of_setunicode (boolean ab_send, boolean ab_recv)
public function boolean of_startup ()
end prototypes

public function unsignedlong of_accept (unsignedlong aul_socket);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Accept
// PURPOSE:    This function permits an incoming connection
//                                                                          attempt on a socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket                     - Open socket
// RETURN:      0 = Error
//                                                                          >0 = Success ( a valid socket )
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SOCKADDR lstr_sockaddr
Long lul_socket
Long ll_length


lstr_sockaddr.sin_zero[8] = ""

lul_socket = accept(aul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, ll_length)
If lul_socket = INVALID_SOCKET Then
               Return 0
End If

Return lul_socket

end function

public function boolean of_cleanup ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Cleanup
// PURPOSE:    This function terminates use of the socket library.
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Not ib_initialized Then
               If WSACleanup() = 0 Then
                               ib_initialized = False
                               Return False
               End If
End If

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_close (ref unsignedlong aul_socket);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Close
// PURPOSE:    This function closes an open socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket - Open socket
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long ll_rc

If aul_socket <> 0 Then
               ll_rc = closesocket(aul_socket)
               If ll_rc = 0 Then
                               aul_socket = 0
                               Return False
               End If
End If

Return True

end function

public function unsignedlong of_connect (string as_hostname, unsignedinteger aui_port);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Connect
// PURPOSE:    This function opens a socket for sending data.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_hostname - Hostname
//                                                                          aui_port                             - Port
// RETURN:      0 = Error
//                                                                          >0 = Success ( a valid socket )
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Changed Port to unsignedinteger
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Changed to feed new of_Connect with Timeout argument.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Return of_Connect(as_hostname, aui_port, 0)

end function

public function unsignedlong of_connect (string as_hostname, unsignedinteger aui_port, unsignedlong aul_seconds);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Connect
// PURPOSE:    This function opens a socket for sending data. If a Timeout
//                                                                          value is given, it is used to wait for the connection.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_hostname - Hostname
//                                                                          aui_port                             - Port
//                                                                          aul_seconds      - Timeout in seconds
// RETURN:      0 = Error
//                                                                          >0 = Success ( a valid socket )
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Added Timeout processing
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Changed Port to unsignedinteger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HOSTENT lstr_hostent
SOCKADDR lstr_sockaddr
TIMEVAL lstr_timeval
FD_SET lstr_read, lstr_write, lstr_except
ULong lul_socket, lul_ptr, lul_ipaddr
Long ll_rc

// get information about host
lul_ptr = gethostbyname(as_hostname)

If lul_ptr > 0 Then
               // initialize the SOCKADDR structure
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_hostent, lul_ptr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)
               CopyMemoryIp(lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Addr_List, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_sockaddr.sin_addr, lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(aui_port)
               // create socket
               lul_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)
               If lul_socket = INVALID_SOCKET Then
                               lul_socket = 0
                               If aul_seconds = 0 Then
                                               // connect on the socket
                                               ll_rc = connect_ws(lul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)
                                               If ll_rc = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                                                              // some error occurred
                                               End if
                                               // make the socket non blocking
                                               of_SetBlockingMode(lul_socket, False)
                                               // attempt to connect on the socket
                                               ll_rc = connect_ws(lul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)
                                               If ll_rc = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                                                              // initialize the structures
                                                              lstr_timeval.tv_sec = aul_seconds
                                                              lstr_write.fd_count = 1
                                                              lstr_write.fd_array[1] = lul_socket
                                                              // wait for the timeout
                                                              ll_rc = select_ws(0, lstr_read, lstr_write, lstr_except, lstr_timeval)
                                                              choose case ll_rc
                                                                              case 0
                                                                                              // the timeout expired
                                                                                              of_SetLastError("The connection attempt timed out.")
                                                                              case SOCKET_ERROR
                                                                                              // some error occurred
                                                                              case else
                                                                                              // the connection was made so make the socket blocking
                                                                                              of_SetBlockingMode(lul_socket, True)
                                                              end choose
                                               End if
                               End if
               End If
               lul_socket = 0
End If

Return lul_socket

end function

public function blob of_decode64 (string as_encoded);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Decode64
// PURPOSE:    This function converts a Base64 encoded string to binary.
//                                                                          Note: Requires Windows XP or Server 2003
// ARGUMENTS:  as_encoded - String containing encoded data
// RETURN:     Blob containing decoded data
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblob_data
ULong lul_len, lul_buflen, lul_skip, lul_pflags
Boolean lb_rtn

lul_len = Len(as_encoded)
lul_buflen = lul_len
lblob_data = Blob(Space(lul_len))

lb_rtn = CryptStringToBinary(as_encoded, &
                                                                              lul_len, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, lblob_data, &
                                                                              lul_buflen, lul_skip, lul_pflags)

Return BlobMid(lblob_data, 1, lul_buflen)

end function

public function string of_encode64 (blob ablob_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Encode64
// PURPOSE:    This function converts binary data to a Base64 encoded string.
//                                                                          Note: Requires Windows XP or Server 2003
// ARGUMENTS:  ablob_data - Blob containing data
// RETURN:     String containing encoded data
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/27/2010   RolandS                              Changed to remove trailing CRLF characters
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_encoded
ULong lul_len, lul_buflen
Boolean lb_rtn

lul_len = Len(ablob_data)

lul_buflen = lul_len * 3

ls_encoded = Space(lul_buflen)

lb_rtn = CryptBinaryToString(ablob_data, lul_len, &
                                                                              CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, ls_encoded, lul_buflen)
If lb_rtn Then
               ls_encoded = Left(ls_encoded, lul_buflen - 2)
End If

Return ls_encoded

end function

public function string of_encode64 (string as_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_smtp.of_Encode64
// PURPOSE:    This function converts string to blob and
//                                                                          calls ancestor function.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_data - String containing data
// RETURN:     String containing encoded data
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 09/27/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Return of_Encode64(Blob(as_data, EncodingAnsi!))

end function

public subroutine of_eventlog (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_EventLog
// PURPOSE:    This function writes a message to the Event Log.
// ARGUMENTS:  ai_msglevel   - The level of message importance
//                                                                          as_msgtext       - The text of the message
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ULong lul_EventSource
String ls_errmsg[]

ls_errmsg[1] = as_msgtext

lul_EventSource = RegisterEventSource(0, this.ClassName())

If lul_EventSource > 0 Then
               ReportEvent(lul_EventSource, ai_msglevel, &
                                               0, 0, 0, UpperBound(ls_errmsg), 0, ls_errmsg, 0)
End If

end subroutine

public function string of_getdescription ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_GetDescription
// PURPOSE:    This function returns the winsock description.
// RETURN:     String containing a description of the
//                                                                          winsock library.
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblob_desc

lblob_desc = Blob(istr_wsadata.szDescription)

Return String(lblob_desc, EncodingAnsi!)

end function

public function string of_gethostname ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_GetHostName
// PURPOSE:                     This function retrieves the standard host name
//                                                                          for the local computer.
// RETURN:                        Host name
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_hostname, ls_errmsg
Long ll_rc, ll_namelen

ll_namelen = 50
ls_hostname = Space(ll_namelen)

ll_rc = gethostname(ls_hostname, ll_namelen)
If ll_rc = SOCKET_ERROR Then
End If

Return ls_hostname

end function

public function string of_gethostname (string as_ipaddress);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_GetHostName
// PURPOSE:                     This function finds the host name that corresponds to the
//                                                                          specified IP Address.
// ARGUMENTS:             as_ipaddress    - IP Address of a server
// RETURN:                        IP Address
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_hostname
ULong lul_address, lul_ptr
Blob lblb_host
HOSTENT lstr_host

lul_address = inet_addr(as_ipaddress)
If lul_address > 0 Then
               // get information about host
               lul_ptr = gethostbyaddr(lul_address, 4, AF_INET)
               If lul_ptr > 0 Then
                               // copy structure to local structure
                               CopyMemoryIP(lstr_host, lul_ptr, 16)
                               // copy ipaddress to local blob
                               lblb_host = Blob(Space(250), EncodingAnsi!)
                               CopyMemoryIP(lblb_host, lstr_host.h_name, 250)
                               ls_hostname = String(lblb_host, EncodingAnsi!)
               End If
End If

Return ls_hostname

end function

public function string of_getipaddress (string as_hostname);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_GetIPAddress
// PURPOSE:                     This function finds the IP address for the
//                                                                          specified host name.
// ARGUMENTS:             as_hostname   - host name of a server
// RETURN:                        IP Address
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_ipaddress
HOSTENT lstr_host
ULong lul_ptr, lul_ipaddr
IN_ADDR lstr_addr

// get information about host
lul_ptr = gethostbyname(as_hostname)

If lul_ptr > 0 Then
               // copy structure to local structure
               CopyMemoryIP(lstr_host, lul_ptr, 16)
               // get memory address where ipaddress is located
               CopyMemoryIP(lul_ipaddr, lstr_host.h_addr_list, 4)
               CopyMemoryIP(lstr_addr, lul_ipaddr, 4)
               ls_ipaddress = String(Blob(inet_ntoa(lstr_addr.s_addr)), EncodingAnsi!)
End If

Return ls_ipaddress

end function

public function string of_getlasterror ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_GetLastError
// PURPOSE:                     This function returns the message text for
//                                                                          the most recent Winsock error.
// RETURN:                        Error message
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/03/2010   RolandS                              Changed 'if' to 'case' adding is_lasterror handling
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Constant ULong LANG_NEUTRAL = 0
String ls_errmsg
Long ll_error

ll_error = WSAGetLastError()

choose case ll_error
               case 0
                               If is_lasterror = "" Then
                                               ls_errmsg = "An unknown error has occurred!"
                                               ls_errmsg = is_lasterror
                               End If
               case else
                               ls_errmsg = Space(250)
                               FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, &
                                                                              ll_error, LANG_NEUTRAL, ls_errmsg, Len(ls_errmsg), 0)
end choose


Return Trim(ls_errmsg)

end function

public function string of_getpeername (unsignedlong aul_socket);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_GetPeerName
// PURPOSE:    This function returns the IP Address of the computer on the
//                                                                          other end of the socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket                     - Open socket
// RETURN:     IP Address of Peer
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SOCKADDR lstr_sockaddr
Long ll_length, ll_rtn, ll_pos, ll_strlen
String ls_ipaddress


lstr_sockaddr.sin_zero[8] = ""

ll_rtn = getpeername(aul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, ll_length)
If ll_rtn <> 0 Then
               Return ls_ipaddress
End If

// get the ip address in readable format
ll_strlen = 20
ls_ipaddress = Space(ll_strlen)
ll_rtn = WSAAddressToString(lstr_sockaddr, &
                                                                              ll_length, 0, ls_ipaddress, ll_strlen)
If ll_rtn <> 0 Then
               Return ls_ipaddress
End If

// separate address & port
ll_pos = Pos(ls_ipaddress, ":")
ls_ipaddress = Left(ls_ipaddress, ll_pos - 1)

Return ls_ipaddress

end function

public function long of_getsockopt (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_optname);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_GetSockOpt
// PURPOSE:    This function returns options that use long datatype.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          as_optname     - Option name
// RETURN:                        Option value
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Constant Long SOL_SOCKET = 65535
Long ll_optname, ll_optvalue, ll_buflen

ll_buflen = 4

choose case Upper(as_optname)
               case "SO_ERROR"
                               ll_optname = 4103
               case "SO_RCVBUF"
                               ll_optname = 4098
               case "SO_SNDBUF"
                               ll_optname = 4097
               case "SO_TYPE"
                               ll_optname = 4104
               case else
                               Return SOCKET_ERROR
end choose

// get option value
If getsockopt(aul_socket, SOL_SOCKET, &
                                                              ll_optname, ll_optvalue, ll_buflen) = 0 Then
               Return ll_optvalue
               Return SOCKET_ERROR
End If

end function

public function string of_getuserid ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_GetUserid
// PURPOSE:                     This function retrieves the userid used to establish
//                                                                          the current network connection.
// RETURN:                        The userid or null string if error occurred.
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_userid
ULong lul_result, lul_buflen

lul_buflen = 32
ls_userid = Space(lul_buflen)

lul_result = WNetGetUser("", ls_userid, lul_buflen)
If lul_result <> 0 Then
End If

Return ls_userid

end function

public function boolean of_ioctlsocket (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_cmdname, ref unsignedlong aul_argp);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_IoctlSocket
// PURPOSE:    This function controls the I/O mode of a socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          as_cmdname    - Which command to execute
//                                                                          aul_argp                            - Input/Output parm
//                                                                          For FIONBIO:
//                                                                                                         aul_argp  = 0 - Set Blocking mode
//                                                                                                         aul_argp <> 0 - Set Nonblocking mode
//                                                                          For FIONREAD:
//                                                                                                         aul_argp - returns the amount of data avail to recv
// RETURN:                        True=Success
//                                                                          False=Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// #define FIONREAD _IOR('f', 127, u_long) /* get # bytes to read */
// #define FIONBIO  _IOW('f', 126, u_long) /* set/clear non-blocking i/o */
// #define FIOASYNC _IOW('f', 125, u_long) /* set/clear async i/o */

Constant ulong FIONBIO    = 2147772030   // &H8004667E
Constant ulong FIONREAD   = 1074030207   // &H4004667F
Constant ulong SIOCATMARK = 1074033415   // &H40047307

Long ll_result
ULong lul_cmd

choose case Upper(as_cmdname)
               case "FIONBIO"
                               lul_cmd = FIONBIO
               case "FIONREAD"
                               lul_cmd = FIONREAD
               case "SIOCATMARK"
                               lul_cmd = SIOCATMARK
               case else
                               Return False
end choose

ll_result = ioctlsocket(aul_socket, lul_cmd, aul_argp)
If ll_result = SOCKET_ERROR Then
               Return False
End If

Return True

end function

public subroutine of_jaguarlog (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_JaguarLog
// PURPOSE:    This function writes a message to the Jaguar Log.
// ARGUMENTS:  ai_msglevel   - The level of message importance
//                                                                          as_msgtext       - The text of the message
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_msg
TransactionServer lts_jag
ErrorLogging lel_jag

// get reference to transaction service
GetContextService("TransactionServer", lts_jag)

// get reference to error logging service
GetContextService("ErrorLogging", lel_jag)

// build message text
choose case ai_msglevel
               case iERROR
                               ls_msg = this.ClassName() + " (Error)->" + as_msgtext
               case iWARN
                               ls_msg = this.ClassName() + " (Warning)->" + as_msgtext
               case else
                               ls_msg = this.ClassName() + " (Info)->" + as_msgtext
end choose

// log message to server log

end subroutine

public function unsignedlong of_listen (unsignedinteger aui_port);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Listen
// PURPOSE:    This function opens a socket and Listens.
// ARGUMENTS:  aui_port         - Port number
// RETURN:      0 = Error
//                                                                          >0 = Success ( a valid socket )
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Changed Port to unsignedinteger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HOSTENT lstr_hostent
SOCKADDR lstr_sockaddr
String ls_hostname
ULong lul_socket, lul_ptr, lul_ipaddr

// get information about host
ls_hostname = of_GetHostname()
lul_ptr = gethostbyname(ls_hostname)

If lul_ptr > 0 Then
               // initialize structure
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_hostent, lul_ptr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)
               CopyMemoryIp(lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Addr_List, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_sockaddr.sin_addr, lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(aui_port)
               // create socket
               lul_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)
               // bind the socket to an IP Address and Port
               If bind(lul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                               lul_socket = 0
                               // put the socket into Listen mode
                               If listen(lul_socket, SOMAXCONN) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                                               lul_socket = 0
                               End If
               End If
               lul_socket = 0
End If

Return lul_socket

end function

public function unsignedlong of_listen (unsignedinteger aui_port, long al_handle, integer ai_event);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Listen
// PURPOSE:    This function opens a socket and Listens. An event will be
//                                                                          triggered when a connection request is detected.
// ARGUMENTS:  aui_port         - Port number
//                                                                          al_handle - Handle of object to receive messages
//                                                                          ai_event  - pbm_customxx event to receive messages
// RETURN:      0 = Error
//                                                                          >0 = Success ( a valid socket )
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// 09/16/2010   RolandS                              Changed Port to unsignedinteger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Constant Integer WM_USER = 1024
HOSTENT lstr_hostent
SOCKADDR lstr_sockaddr
String ls_hostname
ULong lul_socket, lul_ptr, lul_ipaddr
Long ll_wsevent

// get information about host
ls_hostname = of_GetHostname()
lul_ptr = gethostbyname(ls_hostname)

If lul_ptr > 0 Then
               // initialize structure
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_hostent, lul_ptr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)
               CopyMemoryIp(lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Addr_List, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               CopyMemoryIp(lstr_sockaddr.sin_addr, lul_ipaddr, lstr_hostent.h_Length)
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET
               lstr_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(aui_port)
               // create socket
               lul_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)
               // bind the socket to an IP Address and Port
               If bind(lul_socket, lstr_sockaddr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                               lul_socket = 0
                               ll_wsevent = FD_ACCEPT + FD_READ
                               // set Window handle and Event for notification
                               If WSAASyncSelect(lul_socket, al_handle, &
                                                              WM_USER + (ai_event - 1), ll_wsevent) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                                               lul_socket = 0
                                               // put the socket into Listen mode
                                               If listen(lul_socket, SOMAXCONN) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                                                              lul_socket = 0
                                               End If
                               End If
               End If
               lul_socket = 0
End If

Return lul_socket

end function

public subroutine of_messagebox (integer ai_msglevel, string as_msgtext);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_MessageBox
// PURPOSE:    This function displays a messagebox.
// ARGUMENTS:  ai_msglevel   - The level of message importance
//                                                                          as_msgtext       - The text of the message
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

choose case ai_msglevel
               case iERROR
                               MessageBox(    "Winsock Error", &
                                                                              as_msgtext, StopSign!)
               case iWARN
                               MessageBox(    "Winsock Warning", &
                                                                              as_msgtext, Exclamation!)
               case else
                               MessageBox(    "Winsock Message", &
                                                                              as_msgtext, Information!)
end choose

end subroutine

public function long of_parse (string as_text, string as_sep, ref string as_array[]);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Parse
// PURPOSE:    This function parses a string into an array.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_text            - The string to be separated
//                                                                          as_sep - The separator characters
//                                                                          as_array             - By ref output array
//           RETURN:                             The number of items in the array
// ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

String ls_empty[], ls_work
Long ll_pos, ll_each

as_array = ls_empty

If IsNull(as_text) Or as_text = "" Then Return 0

ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
DO WHILE ll_pos > 0
               ls_work = Trim(Left(as_text, ll_pos - 1))
               as_text = Trim(Mid(as_text, ll_pos + 1))
               as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = ls_work
               ll_pos = Pos(as_text, as_sep)
as_array[UpperBound(as_array) + 1] = Trim(as_text)

Return UpperBound(as_array)

end function

public function boolean of_recv (unsignedlong aul_socket, ref blob ablob_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Recv
// PURPOSE:    This function receives data from a connected socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          ablob_data       - By ref blob
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long ll_bytes, ll_MaxBuffer
Blob lblob_data

ll_MaxBuffer = of_GetSockOpt(aul_socket, "SO_RCVBUF")

ll_bytes = ll_MaxBuffer

do while ll_bytes = ll_MaxBuffer
               lblob_data = Blob(Space(ll_MaxBuffer))
               ll_bytes = recv(aul_socket, lblob_data, ll_MaxBuffer, 0)
               If ll_bytes = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                               Return False
                               ablob_data += BlobMid(lblob_data, 1, ll_bytes)
               End If

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_recv (unsignedlong aul_socket, ref string as_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Recv
// PURPOSE:    This function receives data from a connected socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          as_data                              - By ref string
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblob_data

If of_Recv(aul_socket, lblob_data) Then
               If ib_recv_unicode Then
                               as_data = String(lblob_data)
                               as_data = String(lblob_data, EncodingAnsi!)
               End If
               Return False
End If

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_recvfrom (unsignedinteger aui_port, ref blob ablob_data, ref string as_ipaddress);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_RecvFrom
// PURPOSE:                     This function receives a UDP packet.
// ARGUMENTS:  aui_port                                         - The port to receive the packet on
//                                                                          ablob_data                       - Buffer to hold the data (by ref)
//                                                                          as_ipaddress    - Sending IP Address (by ref)
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SOCKADDR lstr_RecvAddr, lstr_SenderAddr
ULong lul_RecvSocket, lul_ipaddr
Long ll_bytes, ll_BufLen, ll_SenderAddrSize
String ls_ipaddress, ls_part[]


ll_BufLen = Len(ablob_data)

lul_RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)

lstr_RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET
lstr_RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(aui_port)
lstr_RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)

bind(lul_RecvSocket, lstr_RecvAddr, MAXGETSOCKADDRSTRUCT)

ll_bytes = recvfrom(lul_RecvSocket, ablob_data, ll_BufLen, &
                                                                                              0, lstr_SenderAddr, ll_SenderAddrSize);
If ll_bytes = SOCKET_ERROR Then
               Return False
               // trim off trailing blanks
               ablob_data = BlobMid(ablob_data, 1, ll_bytes)
               // format incoming IP address
               lul_ipaddr = ntohl(lstr_SenderAddr.sin_addr.s_addr)
               ls_ipaddress = String(Blob(inet_ntoa(lul_ipaddr)), EncodingAnsi!)
               // reverse the order of the parts
               of_Parse(ls_ipaddress, ".", ls_part)
               as_ipaddress = ls_part[4] + "." + ls_part[3] + "." + &
                                                                                              ls_part[2] + "." + ls_part[1]
End If


Return True

end function

public function boolean of_recvfrom (unsignedinteger aui_port, ref string as_data, ref string as_ipaddress);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_RecvFrom
// PURPOSE:                     This function receives a UDP packet.
// ARGUMENTS:  aui_port                                         - The port to receive the packet on
//                                                                          as_data                                              - Buffer to hold the data (by ref)
//                                                                          as_ipaddress    - Sending IP Address (by ref)
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblob_data

lblob_data = Blob(as_data)

If of_RecvFrom(aui_port, lblob_data, as_ipaddress) Then
               If ib_recv_unicode Then
                               as_data = String(lblob_data)
                               as_data = String(lblob_data, EncodingAnsi!)
               End If
               Return False
End If

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_send (unsignedlong aul_socket, blob ablob_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Send
// PURPOSE:    This function sends data on a connected socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          ablob_data       - Data to send
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblob_data
Long ll_MaxBuffer, ll_totbytes, ll_length, ll_sendlen, ll_rc

ll_MaxBuffer = of_GetSockOpt(aul_socket, "SO_SNDBUF")

ll_length = Len(ablob_data)

do while ll_totbytes < ll_length
               lblob_data = BlobMid(ablob_data, ll_totbytes + 1, ll_MaxBuffer)
               ll_sendlen = Len(lblob_data)
               ll_totbytes += ll_sendlen
               ll_rc = send(aul_socket, lblob_data, ll_sendlen, 0)
               If ll_rc = SOCKET_ERROR Then
                               Return False
               End If

Return True

end function

public function boolean of_send (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Send
// PURPOSE:    This function sends data on a connected socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          as_data                              - Data to send
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblb_data

If ib_send_unicode Then
               lblb_data = Blob(as_data)
               lblb_data = Blob(as_data, EncodingAnsi!)
End If

Return of_Send(aul_socket, lblb_data)

end function

public function boolean of_sendto (string as_ipaddress, unsignedinteger aui_port, blob ablob_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_SendTo
// PURPOSE:                     This function sends a UDP packet.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_ipaddress                - The IP Address to send to
//                                                                          aui_port                                             - The Port to send to
//                                                                          ablob_data                       - Data to be sent
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

SOCKADDR lstr_RecvAddr
ULong lul_SendSocket
Long ll_RecvAddrSize, ll_rc, ll_BufLen
String ls_errmsg


ll_BufLen = Len(ablob_data)

lul_SendSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)

lstr_RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET
lstr_RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(aui_port)
lstr_RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(as_ipaddress)

ll_rc = sendto(lul_SendSocket, ablob_data, ll_BufLen, &
                                                              0, lstr_RecvAddr, ll_RecvAddrSize)
If ll_rc = SOCKET_ERROR Then
               Return False
End If


Return True

end function

public function boolean of_sendto (string as_ipaddress, unsignedinteger aui_port, string as_data);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_SendTo
// PURPOSE:                     This function sends a UDP packet.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_ipaddress                - The IP Address to send to
//                                                                          aui_port                                             - The Port to send to
//                                                                          as_data                                              - Data to be sent
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Blob lblb_data

If ib_send_unicode Then
               lblb_data = Blob(as_data)
               lblb_data = Blob(as_data, EncodingAnsi!)
End If

Return of_SendTo(as_ipaddress, aui_port, lblb_data)

end function

public function boolean of_setblockingmode (unsignedlong aul_socket, boolean ab_blocking);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_SetBlockingMode
// PURPOSE:    This function changes the blocking mode of a socket.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          ab_blocking      - True=Blocking, False=NonBlocking
// RETURN:                        True=Success
//                                                                          False=Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ULong lul_ioctl

If ab_blocking Then
               lul_ioctl = 0         // make the socket blocking
               lul_ioctl = 1         // make the socket non-blocking
End If

Return of_IoctlSocket(aul_socket, "FIONBIO", lul_ioctl)

end function

public subroutine of_setlasterror (string as_lasterror);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION:   n_winsock.of_SetLastError
// PURPOSE:                     This function sets the last error code so that the
//                                                                          of_GetLastError function will display the passed message.
// ARGUMENTS:  as_lasterror - Error message to save
// DATE                                               PROG/ID                             DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------         --------                  -----------------------------------------------------
// 09/03/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

is_lasterror = as_lasterror


end subroutine

public function boolean of_setsockopt (unsignedlong aul_socket, string as_optname, boolean ab_optvalue);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_SetSockOpt
// PURPOSE:    This function sets options that use the boolean datatype.
// ARGUMENTS:  aul_socket     - Open socket
//                                                                          as_optname     - Option name
//                                                                          ab_optvalue     - Option value
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Constant Long SOL_SOCKET = 65535
Long ll_optname, ll_buflen
String ls_errmsg

ll_buflen = 1

choose case Upper(as_optname)
               case "SO_BROADCAST"
                               ll_optname = 32
               case "SO_DEBUG"
                               ll_optname = 1
               case "SO_DONTROUTE"
                               ll_optname = 16
               case "SO_KEEPALIVE"
                               ll_optname = 8
               case "SO_OOBINLINE"
                               ll_optname = 256
               case "SO_REUSEADDR"
                               ll_optname = 4
               case "SO_LINGER"
                               ll_optname = 128
               case else
                               Return False
end choose

// set option value
If setsockopt(aul_socket, SOL_SOCKET, &
                                                              ll_optname, ab_optvalue, ll_buflen) = 0 Then
               Return True
               Return False
End If

end function

public subroutine of_setunicode (boolean ab_send, boolean ab_recv);// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_SetUnicode
// PURPOSE:    This function sets Unicode data option.
// ARGUMENTS:  ab_send - of_Send Unicode setting
//                                                                          ab_recv - of_Recv Unicode setting
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ib_send_unicode = ab_send
ib_recv_unicode = ab_recv

end subroutine

public function boolean of_startup ();// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRIPT:     n_winsock.of_Startup
// PURPOSE:    This function initiates use of the socket library.
// RETURN:     True  = Success
//                                                                          False = Error
// DATE        PROG/ID                    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / REASON
// ----------  --------                         -----------------------------------------------------
// 08/20/2010   RolandS                              Initial coding
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

If Not ib_initialized Then
               If WSAStartup(257, istr_wsadata) = 0 Then
                               ib_initialized = True
                               Return False
               End If
End If

Return True

end function

on n_winsock.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on n_winsock.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

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